



作者:佚名 信息来源:本站原创 更新时间:2012-2-2

  My sister has got a new j________(46) in hospital. She’s not a nurse or a doctor. She w_______(47) in the kitchen, she’s a c________(48). She prepares s_________(49) food for the patients in the hospital. She saw an a__________(50) in the paper, and wrote a letter telling them about her work cooking for people in a vegetarian(素食) restaurant. She has lots of e________(51) working in a kitchen. The hospital manager asked her to c_________(52) for an interview, they like her very much, but before they o_________(53) her the job, they checked her reference(证明, 介绍). She loves her new job and says that c__________(54) for patients in a hospital is much b_________(55) than working in a small company(公司).
  46.__________   47.__________   48.__________   49.__________  40.__________
  51.__________   52.__________   53.__________   54.__________  55.__________
  Dear Mike,
  We got your letter yesterday. Yes, we can visit you at Christmas. We thought to spend(度) Christmas at home, but now we are going to be with you. Jack will not be in school then.
  The weather in Chicago is cold, but is doesn’t matter. Sometimes we like the snow.
  We got our plane tickets. We will get to your city on the 18th. We will stay with you for two weeks. Is that all right with you?
  We’ll take our favorite recipes(食谱), so we can have a nice Christmas dinner.
  See you soon.
  Mom and Dad
  56.This letter is from Mike’s           .
  57.In Chicago, it is            now.
  58.Mike has a brother called           . He is in school now.
  59.Mike’s parents will go to his city by           .
  60.His parents will come back on            31st.
  In the west, there can be some abbreviations(缩略词) in some advertisements(广告) of the newspaper. Here’s an advertisement for an apartment(公寓套房). Most of the words in it are abbreviations, for example, Lrg. apt, i.e.(即) Large apartment; lrg. lvrm, i.e. Large living-room. Now, please read the advertisement carefully, and then fill in each blank with ONE word.
  For Rent(出租) Lrg. apt        Fourth flr.     Very quiet bldg. No pets.  Two bedrms.     Lrg. lvrm. Ut1. pd. Unfrn.    Gd. 1ctn. $220 per mo.     Call 662-3940
  61.The apartment is on the            floor of the building.
  62.If you rent(租用) the apartment, do(千万) remember not to bring any           , like
  dogs, cats, birds and so on.
  63.There is a large living-room and two            in the apartment.
  64.The location(位置) of the building is very           .
  65.If you rent the apartment, you must pay(付)            dollars(美元) every month.
  七.书面表达 (15分)
  “国际节水活动周”(International Water-Saving Week)举办单位目前正在招募志愿者。
  提示词语:name, student, No. 9 Middle School, join in, a member of the school’s Water-Saving Club, speak good English,team work


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