



作者:佚名 信息来源:本站原创 更新时间:2011-8-25

  36. D【解析】细节理解题。由第一段句“One day, she thought of an idea—if patients could get some books to read, they would feel better”可知。詹妮想出的主意。
  37. C【解析】理解推断题。由第二段可知A错误;由句“a children’s hospital next door to their school.”可知B错误;由最后一段句“Steven shared his opinion.”可知D错误。故选C。
  38. A【解析】细节理解题。理解全文可知,詹妮和她的朋友收集图书为了病人打发无聊的时间。故选A。
  39. D【解析】细节理解题。詹妮和她的朋友们所做的这一些对病人是有帮助的。他们在收集好图书后又做了大量的工作,如分类,做书签,写亲情话语等,这些做法有益于病人的快速康复。故选D。
  Zhalong is a nature reserve in Heilongjiang in north-east China. It is one of the world’s most important wetlands. The reserve covers an area of 210,000 hectares. The area provides food and shelter for wildlife. It is an ideal home for different kinds of plants, fish and birds.
  Many birds live comfortably in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round, while some only stay there for a short time. There are many fish in the wetlands, and the birds can easily catch them for food. Zhalong has long been called “the home of the crane”. There are 15 crane species (物种) in the world. 8 of them are in China and there are 6 species in Zhalong area. It is an important living area for the rare red-crowned cranes. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world. Every spring and summer, red-crowned cranes lay and hatch (孵化) their eggs in Zhalong.
  Some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings. This means there will be less and less space for wildlife. More and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough living space. Many of them died. The Chinese government wants to protect these endangered birds, and they can be safe in Zhalong.
  Every year, a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch birds. This year, members of our Bird-watching Club are going to study the different kinds of birds in Zhalong and the changes in their numbers. The study begins next month.
  We _______ once a year. We are now inviting secondary school students to help. We need more people to help us count and do something to help the birds.
  Many people do not understand the importance of the wetlands. We hope this information will help them understand and make them actively take action to protect wildlife.
  40. What does the underlined word “ideal” mean?
  A. Perfect.B. Dangerous.C. Crowded.D. Expensive.
  41. What can we learn from the second paragraph?
  A. All birds stay in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round.
  B. There are eight species of red-crowned cranes in Zhalong.
  C. The number of the world’s red-crowned cranes is small.
  D. Every winter red-crowned cranes hatch eggs in Zhalong.
  42. Which of the following can we choose for the blank (空白) in the fifth paragraph?
  A. go birdwatchingB. do a bird countC. go bird-huntingD. hold a bird show
  43. The purpose of the article is to _______.
  A. attract more visitors to pay a visit to Zhalong Nature Reserve
  B. ask people to take action to protect wetlands and wildlife
  C. prevent people from watching birds in Zhalong Nature Reserve
  D. make people around the world know the Birdwatchting Club
  40. A【解析】词义理解题:ideal意为“理想的;完美的”; Perfect意为“完美的”,故选A。
  41. C【解析】细节理解题。第二段句“There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world.”可知丹顶鹤在世界上数量很少。
  42. B【解析】由第五段句“We need more people to help us count and do something to help the birds”可知每天做一次统计。故选B。
  43. B【解析】细节理解题。由最后一段最后一句“…make them actively take action to protect wildlife”可知选B。

  Summer holidays are just coming. Have you got any plans? Here are 4 five-star films for you to kill your time.
  Pirates of the Caribbean 4 (加勒比海盗4)
  Type: Adventure; Action
  Film Studio: Walter Disney Pictures
  Date: May 20th, 2011
  Captain (船长) Jack Sparrow of the Caribbean has come back. This has made fans of Pirates of the Caribbean very excited. Johnny Depp, a famous actor, works together with a new director, Rob Marshall to bring a new wave of pirate craze. Johnny Depp is also known for Walter Disney’s film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
  Sherlock Holmes
  Type: Action; Detective
  Film Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures
  Date: Dec. 25th, 2009
  Do you like detective stories and want to solve mysteries like well-known Detective Sherlock Holmes? This one you certainly don’t want to miss. It is quite different from the earlier Holmes stories and has received much praise (赞誉) from film fans.
  Toy Story 3
  Type: Cartoon
  Film Studio: Walter Disney Pictures
  Date: June 18th, 2010
  Do you still remember Woody and Buzz? Woody is brave, like a cowboy should be. He knows how to lead other toys. And this time Woody’s friends have another big problem. They are trapped by a selfish and cruel bear named Lotso and his men in Sunnyside. Woody goes to help them. How can they find a way out?
  Ice Age 3
  Type: Cartoon
  Film Studio: Dream Works Pictures
  Date: July 1st, 2009
  Ice Age 3 is a whole new adventure that everyone at any age can enjoy. All our old friends are back. Sid the sloth finds three dinosaur babies and adopts (收养) them as his own. Then the mother dinosaur comes for her babies and takes Sid away. The adventure begins when Sid’s best friends try to find him and get him back. Do they succeed in the end?
  44. _______ is the latest film according to (根据) the article.
  A. Ice Age 3B. Pirates of the Caribbean 4
  C. Sherlock HolmesD. Toy Story 3
  45. Which of the following is RIGHT according to the article?
  A. Johny Depp is the director of Pirates of the Caribbean 4.
  B. Film fans don’t think Sherlock Holmes is a good film.
  C. The two cartoons are produced by the same film studio.
  D. Ice Age 3 is a cartoon suitable for different age groups.
  46. From the article, we know ______ is a cruel character.
  A. SidB. Sherlock Holmes
  C. LotsoD. Jack Sparrow

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