



作者:佚名 信息来源:本站原创 更新时间:2011-8-23

  One possible version:
  Hi, everyone.Everybody has his dream job. I also have my dream job. My dream is to work for foreign tourists as a tour guide.
  Why do I want to be a tour guide? First of all, I‘m an outgoing girl, and I like doing some exciting things. Maybe being a tour guide is the best choice. If I become a tour guide, I can   travel all around China, and know more about our country. Then I will tell the foreign tourists about our colorful history. Second, I like making friends. If I work as a tour guide, I can make a lot of friends all over the world. This may be great. Perhaps someday my foreign friends will ask me to visit their countries. I really like to go to their countries to know something about their culture. What’s more, I like singing. Singing English songs is my favorite. I believe I will be popular with foreign tourists. Their trip will be excellent.
  Now, I am still a middle school student. My job now is to work hard in school. Then I’ll go to university to learn something about being a tour guide. I’m sure I can be a qualified tour guide in the future
  一档10-15分包含了所有要点, 能围绕内容适当发挥,内容具体、丰富。应用了较丰富的语言结构和词汇, 用词准确、句子通顺、行文连贯、表达清楚,没有或几乎没有语言错误,具备较强的语言运用能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。
  二档 6-9分 包含了所有要点,并能有所发挥,内容欠丰富。应用的语言结构和词汇能满足任务要求,句子较通顺,表达较清楚,有少量语言错误,达到了预期的写作目的。
  三档 4-5分 漏掉部分要点或只是简单说明要点,内容不够丰富、具体,字数较少。语言表达过于简单,句子不够通顺,行文不够连贯,有部分语言错误。
  四档0-3分 漏掉多个要点或所写内容明显偏离所给要点,内容过少。语言不规范,句子无条理,行文不连贯,语言错误较多。


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